In Threes, reż./dir. Natalia Ryss, United Kingdom, 6:50
The image-idea of the Tree as an embodiment of the Three Principles unites the manifestations of forms, following the rhythm of the heart.

All the best, reż./dir. Pablo Rafael Roldán, Argentina, 3:37
Dedicated to all those who were told they were weird or were made to feel that way. Weird is weird based on a norm, once we lose sight of that rigid norm, weird can be anything, and it can be funny, maybe confusing, but most of all it can be authentic.

Pociąg (The Train), reż./dir. Małgorzata Kandziora, Anna Brygider, Magdalena Kąkol, Poland, 3:27
Teledysk “Pociąg” jest manifestem młodych ludzi. Komentuje obecną sytuację polityczną w Polsce oraz problemy aktualnych czasów. Jest on inspirowany wierszem Juliana Tuwima “Lokomotywa”. Paleta kolorystyczna teledysku została ograniczona do dwóch kolorów – czerni i bieli, by oddać lepiej charakter utworu oraz wydobyć znaczenie tekstu. Teledysk został wykonany techniką animacji poklatkowej, 3d, nagrań na green screenie oraz z zastosowaniem AI
The music video for “The Train” is a manifesto of young people. It comments on the current political situation in Poland and the issues of contemporary times. It is inspired by Julian Tuwim’s poem “The Locomotive”. The color palette of the music video has been limited to two colors – black and white – to better capture the character of the piece and to bring out the meaning of the text. The video was created using stop-motion animation, 3D, recordings on a green screen, and with the use of AI.

Gábor Antal Trio – Walking On The Planet, reż./dir. Tamara Bella, Gábor István Gurka, Kata Hollós, Kornél Pittmann, Hungary, 4:03
In the gray world, nature is overshadowed by humans. We follow the entire history of the earth, from the beginning of life, through the formation of societies to the expansion to the stars. This process is accompanied by the continuous exploitation of nature, but in the end, it slowly returns, and at this point, humans become only an insignificant part of the whole.

J’ai fini le taf, reż./dir. Ugo Vittu, Peter The Moon, France, 2:05
Dreamlike journey of Hippo who, in a labor and capitalist society, detaches himself from his deadly daily life. Preferring to dream and escape towards better, plausible or fictional tomorrows

Atómica, reż./dir. Facundo Quiroga, Sebastían García, Juan Nadalino, Argentina, 4:14
Atómica starts a journey to discover the origin of the deterioration that affects the great tree in which she lives. After traveling through diverse landscapes of a fictitious world, she finds a group of beings, the anthropomorphs, who are consuming wildly everything in their path.

My Terracotta Heart, reż./dir. Anibal Dasso, Argentina, 2:12
A lone bounty hunter heads for a sleazy bar on a lost planet in outer space, looking to fulfill his next assignment. Un cazarrecompensas solitario enfila hacia un bar de mala muerte en un planeta perdido en el espacio exterior buscando cumplir con su próximo encargo.

Declive, reż./dir. Hariols Joseph Guzmán, Evelyn Del Carmen Olguín, Chile, 2:06
Huesok, a young man who falls into a surreal world in which he begins to explore, but along his journey he faces a shape-shifting being, Nocttua, by whom he is harassed and persecuted.

Go Into Hiding 琦 姚, reż./dir. Yaodong Jin, China, 1:05
Original ink animation “Monster Bistro” ending song.

It’s up to the future, reż./dir. Nat Grego, Brazil, 4:35
Animated music video about a human in a surreal and existencial contemplation of live, love and memories

HISAAB by Divine X Karan Aujla, reż./dir. DEBJYOTI SAHA, India, 3:47
The two Hip-Hop artists, Divine and Karan Aujla are inmates who try to break out of prison, only to find themselves in bizarre conflicts with their own selves and their surroundings, from which they must escape